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Prophetic Prayers At the Gates of Winter Solistice:Pastot J.E Charles
Posses the Gates of the Solstice Season with Pastor J.E Charles | Ecclesiastes 3:1 Job 38:12
December Prophetic Prayers at the Portals of Solstice with Pastor J.E Charles 23rd December
Day 4: Breaking the Hidden Curses: to Invade the Year 2021 with Pastor J.E Charles | Isaiah 58:3-7
Who/what is Satan? PT1: with Pastor J.E Charles | Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12-14
Handling Issues of Christian Conscience (1 Cor. 8)
There is a difference in a “Man of God, ”and a man who holds an clergy title of absolute authority.
Pastor Chuck Smith - The Revelation of Jesus Christ --Revelation Chapter 3
The Anunnaki Connection: Complete Series (9+ Hours of Ancient Mysteries)
The Anunnaki Connection - Season 3 FULL DOCUMENTARY - 2 Hours+
The Christmas Question: Full Documentary
Division and The Two Swords!